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Where to Find IO Guards in Fortnite Season 8, read here

Fortnite IO Heist Quest -  With the release of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, Epic has mixed up the challenge mechanics. Instead of getting a set of weekly challenges, players must visit NPCs around the map to take on various quest lines. One of them is the Charlotte IO Heist Mission Line in Fortnite, which forces players to find IO Outposts and IO Guards. In this guide we will show you where to find IO guards in Fortnite so you can earn all those XP.

How To Complete the IO Heist quest line in Fortnite

First, you will have to go talk to Charlotte southeast of Pleasant Park to start the IO Heist quest. He usually walks near the house that is next to the soccer field.

Where to Find IO Guards in Fortnite Season 8, read here

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After talking to her, you will now be able to complete the IO Heist quest line. We have listed each of the steps below, but we won't really explain where to find IO Guards in Fortnite in this guide as the other steps are pretty easy:

  • Step 1: Collect an Assault Rifle and a Grenade.
  • Stage 2: Reach as many shields as possible (1)
  • Step 3: Visit an IO Outpost or an IO Convoy (1)
  • Step 4: Remove IO Guards (2)
  • Step 5: Find a chest at an IO Outpost or IO Convoy (1)

Where To find IO outposts and IO guards

There are five IO outposts in Fortnite that you can visit on the map. These are marked on the map below with the blue icons:

Where to Find IO Guards in Fortnite Season 8, read here

These IO Outpost locations are:

  • East of Pleasant Park on the edge of a cliff
  • North of Lazy Lake and south of Corny Crops
  • South of Holly Hedges
  • Southwest of Misty Meadows
  • North of the dirty docks

Visit any of these five locations and you will complete stage 3 of the Charlotte quest line.

After that, you will have to eliminate two IO guards in Fortnite. From our experience, we have discovered that IO Guards do not always spawn at each of these outposts. However, we've been lucky enough to spawn them at the IO outpost east of Pleasant Park a number of times, so we recommend visiting here as well.

Where to Find IO Guards in Fortnite Season 8, read here

When you find Fortnite IO Guards in an outpost, there is usually more than one spawn there, so you can complete the challenge until another player defeats you.

Finally, you will need to search for a chest in an IO booth. These are the long black chests that you are probably familiar with, and we've included a screenshot below of one of them.
Where to Find IO Guards in Fortnite Season 8, read here

Open one of them and you have successfully completed Charlotte's quest line, which will give you a lot of XP.  That's all you need to know where to find IO guards in Fortnite season 8.  Also read: Free vbucks fortnite

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